
Is number 202-558-3140 SPAM?

Would You, based on calls you have received from this number, characterize the owner a Spammer and/or Scammer?


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Is number 202-558-3140 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (202) 558-3140: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMCalled at 11:00AM on 4-6-16. Caller ID said "CNSRV MAJORITY." They left no message. After reading the other posts, you can see they keep changing what info is sent out for the caller ID.Guest *** ***
SPAMThey leave no message. Caller ID says "Defeat Obama".Guest *** ***
SPAMI really don't give a rats butt what they want. They should honor the Do Not Call list regardless of who they claim to be.Guest *** ***
SPAMCaller ID says "Washington DC". They left no message. I call after hours (using *67 to block my number). Each time I call, I get the busy signal. Spoofed caller ID and failing to identify themselves on their answering machine means they will be blocked.Guest *** ***
typing...Anna is typing a message...

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Is number 202-558-3140 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (202) 558-3140: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMCalled at 11:00AM on 4-6-16. Caller ID said "CNSRV MAJORITY." They left no message. After reading the other posts, you can see they keep changing what info is sent out for the caller ID.Guest *** ***
SPAMThey leave no message. Caller ID says "Defeat Obama".Guest *** ***
SPAMI really don't give a rats butt what they want. They should honor the Do Not Call list regardless of who they claim to be.Guest *** ***
SPAMCaller ID says "Washington DC". They left no message. I call after hours (using *67 to block my number). Each time I call, I get the busy signal. Spoofed caller ID and failing to identify themselves on their answering machine means they will be blocked.Guest *** ***