
Is number 334-986-0036 SPAM?

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Is number 334-986-0036 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (334) 986-0036: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMCalled yesterday and today, around 10 am ... I never answer a call I don't recognize, so tired of sales, surveys, polls, etc. etc. Whoever this is doesn't leave a message.Guest *** ***
SPAMSelling car Warranties.Guest *** ***
SPAMtelemarketing calls! so tired of them! stop calling my CELL PHONE!Guest *** ***
SPAMI answered because I recognized the area code. The man was trying to get me to renew my car warranty and told me I had to act fast because this was a one time deal (they called me more than once). The man also told me that if I did renew the warranty I would never have to pay out of pocket again, but that sounded odd to me since I always had to and RE-newing it would mean I wouldn't have to?? He was very persistent and would not take no for an answer. He seemed like he knew what he was doing and for a second I went with it because my parents take care of everything dealing with my car. Then when I said I'd get back with him he still insisted that I give him my credit card number and if I wanted to change my mind I can cancel it anytime. I had to hang up just to get him off the phone.Guest *** ***
SPAMCalls at the same time every day. I've never picked up. They don't leave a voicemail. Next call will be answered with a 'take me off your call list'. So tired of telemarketers!Guest *** ***
SPAMGotten a call from this number at 9 AM for four days straight. Has to be an automated spam call.Guest *** ***
typing...Anna is typing a message...

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Is number 334-986-0036 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (334) 986-0036: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMCalled yesterday and today, around 10 am ... I never answer a call I don't recognize, so tired of sales, surveys, polls, etc. etc. Whoever this is doesn't leave a message.Guest *** ***
SPAMSelling car Warranties.Guest *** ***
SPAMtelemarketing calls! so tired of them! stop calling my CELL PHONE!Guest *** ***
SPAMI answered because I recognized the area code. The man was trying to get me to renew my car warranty and told me I had to act fast because this was a one time deal (they called me more than once). The man also told me that if I did renew the warranty I would never have to pay out of pocket again, but that sounded odd to me since I always had to and RE-newing it would mean I wouldn't have to?? He was very persistent and would not take no for an answer. He seemed like he knew what he was doing and for a second I went with it because my parents take care of everything dealing with my car. Then when I said I'd get back with him he still insisted that I give him my credit card number and if I wanted to change my mind I can cancel it anytime. I had to hang up just to get him off the phone.Guest *** ***
SPAMCalls at the same time every day. I've never picked up. They don't leave a voicemail. Next call will be answered with a 'take me off your call list'. So tired of telemarketers!Guest *** ***
SPAMGotten a call from this number at 9 AM for four days straight. Has to be an automated spam call.Guest *** ***