
Is number 415-366-0260 SPAM?

Would You, based on calls you have received from this number, characterize the owner a Spammer and/or Scammer?


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Is number 415-366-0260 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (415) 366-0260: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMIn this case someone else is giving CL your number. CL is calling you to verify.Guest *** ***
SPAMJust happened to me too. Thank you for posting. Dang! I really wanted that (fake) job!Guest *** ***
SPAMIf they are using your number can they access anything without the codeGuest *** ***
SPAMits craigs listGuest *** ***
SPAMReceived a call at 2:42 am this morning and again at 2:53am, from this number and the message was to set up a code for Craig's List and I do not have an account for Craig's List and haven't for over 5 years. I'm so tired of people scamming others. Go get a job and stop living off other people.Guest *** ***
SPAMCalled middle of the night.Guest *** ***
SPAMthis number is on a list of unwanted calls. when i call this numbet back there is a busy signalGuest *** ***
SPAMyou're the one who needs medication!Guest *** ***
SPAMYea its craigslist that's the numberGuest *** ***
SPAMYou may have an account within a certain geographic area but when you post in another geographic area then you might be prompted for verification.Guest *** ***
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Is number 415-366-0260 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (415) 366-0260: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMIn this case someone else is giving CL your number. CL is calling you to verify.Guest *** ***
SPAMJust happened to me too. Thank you for posting. Dang! I really wanted that (fake) job!Guest *** ***
SPAMIf they are using your number can they access anything without the codeGuest *** ***
SPAMits craigs listGuest *** ***
SPAMReceived a call at 2:42 am this morning and again at 2:53am, from this number and the message was to set up a code for Craig's List and I do not have an account for Craig's List and haven't for over 5 years. I'm so tired of people scamming others. Go get a job and stop living off other people.Guest *** ***
SPAMCalled middle of the night.Guest *** ***
SPAMthis number is on a list of unwanted calls. when i call this numbet back there is a busy signalGuest *** ***
SPAMyou're the one who needs medication!Guest *** ***
SPAMYea its craigslist that's the numberGuest *** ***
SPAMYou may have an account within a certain geographic area but when you post in another geographic area then you might be prompted for verification.Guest *** ***