
Is number 530-568-5008 SPAM?

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Is number 530-568-5008 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (530) 568-5008: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMSaw on news the other day that there is a big burn victim/firefighter scam going around. Got a call last night (Happy Sunday night) and told the guy I had heard about the scam and hung up on him. Wouldnt he have called back if real. I do give money when I see firemen out collecting for real.Guest *** ***
SPAMfundraising for firefighters and children who are burn victims When I tried to tell him that I lost my job a year ago and didn't have the money to donate, he hung up on meGuest *** ***
SPAMCalled at 8:50 pm, said that they were fundraising for firefighters and children who are burn victims.Guest *** ***
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Is number 530-568-5008 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (530) 568-5008: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMSaw on news the other day that there is a big burn victim/firefighter scam going around. Got a call last night (Happy Sunday night) and told the guy I had heard about the scam and hung up on him. Wouldnt he have called back if real. I do give money when I see firemen out collecting for real.Guest *** ***
SPAMfundraising for firefighters and children who are burn victims When I tried to tell him that I lost my job a year ago and didn't have the money to donate, he hung up on meGuest *** ***
SPAMCalled at 8:50 pm, said that they were fundraising for firefighters and children who are burn victims.Guest *** ***