
Is number 917-775-0026 SPAM?

Would You, based on calls you have received from this number, characterize the owner a Spammer and/or Scammer?


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Is number 917-775-0026 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (917) 775-0026: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMI called Dennis and straightened everything out. Turns out I actually inherited a diamond mine in Nigeria. I should be getting the money any day now that I provided all my financials. Poo poo on all you naysayers.Guest *** ***
SPAMCall from 917-775-0026 from Dennis Gray referred to "you" and not a person by name and used terms like enforcement action taken against you, Treasury, Criminal action if no response, Grand Jury and encouraged a return call. Go play with Lucifer Dennis Gray.Guest *** ***
SPAMHe changed his name to "Dennis Quaid".Guest *** ***
SPAMSaid his name is Nathan Johnson with U.S. Treasury. They were going to sieze my property and bank accountsGuest *** ***
SPAMmy the great elephant god fly up your butt, and you and your family be cursed for trying this stuff. get a job.Guest *** ***
SPAMGot a call today, 6/6, from this number. Had to laugh. Said he was calling "you" no names mentioned. Have three adult "you's" at our house. Hope people don't fall for this one !Guest *** ***
SPAMSomewhat menacing, multiple calls from "Dennis Gray", suggesting potential federal prosecution by an un-named court and un-named agency, and offering "assistanceGuest *** ***
SPAMThe screaming kids in the background are a nice touch. It's like he's calling from a park bench!Guest *** ***
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Is number 917-775-0026 SPAM?

Ratings and comments for Phone number (917) 775-0026: (Latest on top.)


Grade   CommentBy
SPAMI called Dennis and straightened everything out. Turns out I actually inherited a diamond mine in Nigeria. I should be getting the money any day now that I provided all my financials. Poo poo on all you naysayers.Guest *** ***
SPAMCall from 917-775-0026 from Dennis Gray referred to "you" and not a person by name and used terms like enforcement action taken against you, Treasury, Criminal action if no response, Grand Jury and encouraged a return call. Go play with Lucifer Dennis Gray.Guest *** ***
SPAMHe changed his name to "Dennis Quaid".Guest *** ***
SPAMSaid his name is Nathan Johnson with U.S. Treasury. They were going to sieze my property and bank accountsGuest *** ***
SPAMmy the great elephant god fly up your butt, and you and your family be cursed for trying this stuff. get a job.Guest *** ***
SPAMGot a call today, 6/6, from this number. Had to laugh. Said he was calling "you" no names mentioned. Have three adult "you's" at our house. Hope people don't fall for this one !Guest *** ***
SPAMSomewhat menacing, multiple calls from "Dennis Gray", suggesting potential federal prosecution by an un-named court and un-named agency, and offering "assistanceGuest *** ***
SPAMThe screaming kids in the background are a nice touch. It's like he's calling from a park bench!Guest *** ***